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Category: Installation
Mixed technique
Year: 2019
(These forms were placed in the Agora of the National University)

Through a physical form which functions as a virtual clinical laboratory, where the spaces to be filled correspond to post-corporeal changes looking for the desired beauty and approximation to be able to see ourselves on the web. At the time of filling out the form and accepting all the policies, your processed image will be ready and sent to the client's cell phone.

In "I" there is a relationship of identity formation-creation of imaginaries from the wishes of the person within a publishing market, if we lose corporeal contact and gain post corporeal contact, that is, we transfigure the barrier from the body to a space where real contact is no longer necessary. Then it is no longer needing changes in our body but changes in our hyperbody-full of data-nose change, breast augmentation, hair trimming will be changed to exact numbers of saturation increase, spot correction, contrast increase, change skin color, among others and a thousand options that each image market offers us. A study worthy of a media generation, the more abstract you are, the more you will become someone, the more followers and correspondents you have, you will belong forever ... or for a few seconds to a world full of happiness and spectacle.

These images go beyond the conventional parameters of image change, with the appropriation of virtuality the new surgeon will precede media abstraction. If face-to-face interaction is decreasing, what need do we have to change our image if everything will be via the internet? Images can come pre-configured to make us be what we want, what matters more? The raw photo in the first moment of capture or after a process to look more attractive. What is manipulated ceases to be, recreates and renews its image, mutates. This is how we respond to our body, to situations and to life; the nonconformity and despair of creating constant mutations of identifications, perfecting our imperfection every day.

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