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Rd = Alg (Sftwr) ¹


The project is made up of four proposals that subvert the common use of some applications and Internet page resources, thus transforming its initial meaning. I propose a series of possible fictions on the web, which function as artistic interventions and reflective approaches to our interaction with the internet and social networks. I also question the algorithms established by internet moguls as sources of manipulation and use of data.


Demonstration Video (2020)

Several paths and problems are projected that are given by:


-The design of the interface that by means of insignificant and not very conspicuous or visible changes entails a critical load of establishing ourselves as digital subjects when interacting daily on the networks.


-The direction of thought from the algorithms of predictions by google.


-Receptive readings through some networks such as twitter.


-The mass production from images, videos, comments and filters as a product of what I have called: Homo- SPAM and


-The effect of the network as identity ridicule following some parameters to remain constantly active "online". }


Through these projections I propose a new simulated code for google prediction systems, some algorithm creations for pages such as twitter or Smartphone alarm systems and a new identification for the reCAPTCHA meaning.


Alg (Ggl)


Demonstration Video (2020)

The objective of Google when implementing algorithms that help to optimize the interaction on the Internet, with the autocomplete system and the search prediction, aims to give the user a faster navigation, save him writing time and present him with the most clicked options and pages. of what the user is investigating. This system does not anticipate possible creations of new ideas, but rather leads you to several pre-established options. It could be said that this predisposes the navigator not to excavate information in any other way, to think and to know the world in other ways than to visualize what is already known and visited.


Consider an algorithm that does not automate our ability to imagine and plan new phrases. This is what this proposal is specifically about: we can insert a word as slavery, which will be completed by a fiction from the Google search engine and will propose problematic phrases about them


Alg (Twr)


Demonstration Video (2020)

From the comments, opinions and images that circulate on Twitter, I have designed an interface that allows you to put together articles on any current topic that is dealt with by users of that network. EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! corresponds to the main motto for this new search engine. An algorithm is created that collects the latest tweets made on a topic of interest, in addition, the structure of a virtual newspaper is created with all this data exposed.


The randomly generated order gives the possibility of establishing other types of relationships that occur in these applications. Possibly their degree of cohesion and coherence is not the most appropriate, but this is how we dialogue on the network, they are languages ​​through emojis, stickers, symbols that affect the understanding and saturation of receptive data, which corresponds or not to a fast way in that we read and dialogue with each space that is intended to be informative.


Alg (FbWIT)


Demonstration Video (2020)

There are people who are SPAM producers, especially in social networks where millions of people interact daily, we must ask ourselves about the great social and psychological effects that their actions bring. This task of producing SPAM became the banal spectacularized action and the massive flow of identifications, since it is in charge of creating massive content for the network, it is considered a producer of elements with advertising, misleading, annoying, repetitive, garbage, filtering, manipulated and massive from a multimedia projection.


I call this behavior of the digital user Homo-SPAM, where in its production not only text and image coexist (email and image-spam) but also video, sound, comments and opinions, all facilitated by the Select Network all square with INFO-SPAM If there are none, Click skip. This sentence is the beginning of the simulated reCAPTCHA model that is exposed on the web page for the identification of Homo-Spam.

Alg (Pplr)


How to be popular takes to the extreme the incidence of notifications, cell phone alarms, overwhelming noise when a message arrives, that sick way of affecting us with the cell phone. The desire of its vibration and the sound announcing that someone has written us or has given us a like in a photo in an insistent way is a gesture equivalent to the desperation of participating in the Network. Every certain hour it will sound and a voice can be heard remembering what we must do, how to post a photo or video, how to make a livestream or how to say and post comments with emojis.


Through this type of constant reminders and instructions, with the popular How to be application we can be popular on the web. So, you know, what it is about is perseverance, to create a good character, so I have chosen a repetitive action to make us look more interesting. And remember: as a main rule never leave your cell phone, you have to be online as long as possible.

Investigative text:

Additional images

Searched word: Contemporary
Searched Word: Black Live Matter
Social media
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